JavaScript Closures in Plain Language

and one practical real-world example

Poorshad Shaddel
3 min readSep 10, 2020
JavaScript Closures in Plain Language

What are JavaScript closures?

It is a JavaScript feature that allows a function to access its outer function scope. Sounds complicated?

We can use this feature when we have nested functions like this:

A simple example of closures
A simple example of closures

As you can see the function sayAge has access to the variable age which is in the outer function scope. This is a special feature of JavaScript and we can use it in some situations that I will explain.

A common trick with closures

If we return a function from another one we can mutate the outer function variables by using the closure feature. For example:

A common trick with closures
Changing the outer function’s variable

JavaScript closures are as simple as this example but I didn’t understand them till I found a practical usage.

Implementing private variables by using JavaScript Closures

We can use this feature to implement private methods inside a JavaScript function:

Implementing private variables by using JavaScript Closures
Implementing a private variable using Closures

As we can see setAge has access to privateAge and it can alter this variable. We returned three methods: increment , decrement and value and the user cannot assign something directly to privateAge .

Practical real-world example

I used a few things in this example but please do not get too bogged down. This example is a simple typescript express app that is going to connect to a database(MongoDB) and execute a query.

If you want to use this example on your local machine follow these steps:

  • You need a MongoDB server(The default port is set to 27022 in this project).
  • Run these commands:
git clone
cd js-closure-example
npm install
npm run dev
typescript express app

We have two routes: one for testing /ping which returns pong in response and the other one is users.

In this example, I didn’t use any service or controller for simplicity. Let’s see what is inside the users.ts and connection.ts :

On every get request to /users we want to execute a find query in the MongoDB database. Now a common problem is that we don’t want to create a new connection on each request. What we want is to use one instance of connection and there are two ways(at least I know two ways :)). one of them is using Singleton pattern and classes in typescript and the other one is JavaScript Closure.

Now let’s look at the implementation of connection which returns a function named getDBClient :

getDBClient is the function inside this file which has access to the outer function scope. So getDBClient has access to databaseClient variable. Look at line 9: if the databaseClient variable is not null we are going to return the client instance and otherwise, we’re going to create a new client. We used closure to mutate an outer function variable.

Now no matter how many times we call this API, the code will not create a new connection to the database.

Use this command to send request if you are using Linux or Mac OS:

curl http://localhost:3000/users
Calling the API multiple times
Calling the API multiple times

As we can see the first time we created a connection to the database: Connected — Client Created and after that each time we needed a connection the code returned the previous instance of database client and logs: using previous instance (connection.ts).



Poorshad Shaddel
Poorshad Shaddel

Written by Poorshad Shaddel

Full Stack Developer with more than 6 years of experience. I spend partial part of the day working with Node.js and React. I love Databases and how they work!

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